Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Christmas in Stitches

This Christmas I was very very busy. We were trying to keep costs down this year so I made several gifts for the kids in our family. It was so much fun to work on these projects and actually see them come out and look AWESOME!!! I know, I know, I shouldn't toot my own horn, but these things are freaking cool.

I made this one for my niece Sadie. I had to mess with the pattern a little because it was a tad too small, but after a few extra rows it fits great.

Fot those of you who are familiar with the T.V. show Firefly, this hat is originally in yellow and red and made for one Jayne Cob. If you like Sci Fi mixed with Chinese and old Western Themes and Joss Whedon then this is the show for you.
I made this one for my nephew Curtis and in the Oregon Ducks Colors. He is a huge Ducks fan and was able to go to the championship game. I never thought I would be jealous of my nephew, but let me tell you, I so was.

(my favorite model)

This is a fun one for my niece who is a little over 1. I want to call her Addy just to tick off her mom but I wont. From what I hear, Addy, I mean Della, really loves it.

I have new nephew who's mom REALLY like elephants. So I made them this little beauty, the tag said, "To Aiden (but really for Erin)". Cause we all know gifts for babies are really for the parents. Out of all the gifts I made, this was the one I wanted to keep for my self the most.
Did you make any gifts for Christmas? What were your favorites? Share pictures, recipes, patterns, and how-to's with all of us. It could be fun.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dr. Marvin, Im doily-ing

Yup, thats right, I am making a doily. Why? Is it because I am 90 at heart, is it to make my husband shake is head and roll is eyes at me, or am I just a little crazy, maybe all of the above. But really, it was something new to try and do while we watched Lost. We went through all 6 season of lost starting in Dec. and ending just after the new year. I needed something to do so I didn't feel like I was wasting my life away. Sadly, this is all I have to show, because doilies are surprisingly hard to do when you don't have the right thread and hook. Who knew? A long with finding something to make me feel alive while watching lost, I wanted to start blogging again. So, i tried again, and again, and again to write and post a blog I was happy with, but alas, my blog on word press was really frustrating to use I have since given up. So, I have started this one. I hope you will like it and will check in on it frequently.
Happy new year, Merry Christmas and all that